Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Athletics, 400metre, i am wondering if 56 is a decent time for a 14 year old (in year 8) ? ?

Thats pretty good for an 8th grader, and seeing as how you've had no training. Best way to improve is just keep running, thats all it really takes. If you train hard enough you could probably get down to about a 50 or 49 by the time you are a senior.

Did avril and deryck divorced??

is it true>? i really have no idea bout that.. my friend just told me yesterday and am wondering if its tru..

How annoying is Rusty Wallace ???

Don't you wish Scott Goodyear would puch or smack him in the face ?? Why did ABC bring Rusty into both for the indy 500 ?

Need some help... Even tho no one can...?

I just wanted to let you know that it actually can take a bit of time to evict someone from a rental property. Even though I ume it says "3 day pay or quit" on the notice you got, it really means that you have 3 days to pay or they will start eviction proceedings against you. But the actual eviction procedure takes longer than that and you can stay in the rental premises during this time. In the county where I live, during the eviction process, before the actual eviction is done, the landlord cannot make you leave the premises, nor can he lock you out of your rental property nor can they take your things out of your place nor are they allowed to turn off the water or power or anything like that. Where I live, it can take up to 3-6 months before they can actually force you to physically leave your rental. Sometimes it can take longer and perhaps it can be shorter, it really depends on the laws where you live. Now I'm not suggesting that your parents don't' try to pay the rent that's owed, but if it happened that your parents couldn't come through with the money for the rent, you shouldn't worry that you have to leave right away, even if your parents might want to leave. You might suggest to your parents that they try to make a payment agreement with the landlord to pay off the money owed while paying the current rent. You know, like paying a little extra every month on top of the regular rent until the past due balance is paid off. The landlord is going to have to spend money to get your family evicted so perhaps they'd rather avoid that and get the money they're owed. But if the landlord won't accept a payment arrangement or if your parents just can't pay the rent at all, just know that you probably have at least a few months to stay (and not pay rent) to get packed up and find somewhere else to go, not 3 days. Try looking online for the renter's laws in the county or state where you live. I know that different counties/states have different laws so I can't say for sure how long you might have. Hope things get better for your family and something good does happen!

Where is the indy car made with a mins turbo engine?

There were 2 mins Diesel Specials. One was run in 1931, the other in 1952. Both are now housed at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame Museum. I've included links for ya.

Pakistani commentators?

so in today's game between india v. sri lanka, rameez raja said that "sri lanka had the choice who they want to play in the final, and they chose india," he also said that "sanath jayasuriya didn't start well and basically threw away his wicket". and waqar yunis said that "sri lankan captain mahela jayawardena didn't do the bowling change at the right time." why are pakistani's blaming sri lankans that they didnt try? waht do youll think the icc and sri lankan cricket board should do about this?

Plz give the coding in C language?

Given two one-dimensional arrays A & B which are sorted in ascending order. Write program to merge them into a single array C that contains every item from A & in ascending order.

Cake Recipes?

I want to try something different. I usually make a chocolate cake that I found in a Hershey's cookbook I have, but i'm wondering if anyone has any interesting cake recipes that are worth giving a try.

How offten do teenage guys think abut the girl they like?

its nearly constant to the point of being distracting to the rest of life. its actually annoying because the girls they like become a near obsession, they just don't talk about it much. no guy wants to be labeled as "whipped" by his friends.

Strange wooshin noise when I open the window from the side of the house?

This has recently started happening since we turned the boiler in the loft back on what I can hear is like a wooshin noise only when I open the window like the toilet is being constantly flushed we have had a new toilet fitted and it shuts off fairly quick it's like hearing the sea crash against the window but I dont hear it inside the house? What could be causing this?

Great Gatsby quote...WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

"He talked a lot about the past, and I gathered that he wanted to recover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that had gone into loving Daisy. His life had been confused and disordered since then, but if he could once return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly, he could find out what that thing was..."

DO i let him know flat out?

my boyfriend did't get me anything for my birthday or even really do anything for it. do i come flat out and let him know that i'm hurt by it? or do i just let it slide? this is the last birthday i will have while he's here...he's going to kuwait soon. and it's not like he didn't have any money either...what do i do?

If I have 45mL of H2SO4 at a concentration of 2.0 moles/litre, how many moles of it do I have in those 45ml?

I know it's probably something simple, but I sort of forgot how to calculate it, and I need to know it for a chemistry ignment. XD

Is the anti-christ (singular) Biblically sound?

Read Revelation chapters 6-19. The antichrist is clearly one person in the future that temporarily runs a one-world government in the Great Tribulation.

Is there anywhere in Oakland, USA I can get good emo/punk clothing?

man, if you want to be 'punk' or emo or whatever then make your own clothing so you wont look like a loser wannabe that spends tons of money on generic 'emo' clothes. take the freaking initiative and make your own clothes.

NFL Fans: I want your opinion!?

I did this same thing last week and we came up with the same outcome except the NFC-south, I chose ATL. I like yours better. A lot of people really disagreed with me for not going with the Saints. You have to know the history of the South division since it's inception. Every year the winner of the division goes on to the next year only to be 3rd in the division at best. No team from our division has ever even came close to winning the division 2 years in a row. They don't even make the playoffs the next year. The Saints are in for a major hangover. The NFC-south is not the NFC-west where you can take the division 2 years in a row like ARZ-- they get handed wins by the 49ers and Rams. These days a team needs at least 11 wins to take the south. N.O will not take that many next year.

Do you think the Bengals/Steelers game tonight will resemble the Cowboys/Packers game from last night?

Steelers already up 10 to zip with 6 minutes left in the 1st quarter. The Bungals are looking like the Bungals.

Can I Use Real Sea Rocks in My Fish Tank?

well its good to see another person with a fish tank who dosnt just throw fish in the tank! any way you might be able to use them IF you wash the extremly well and start off with some pretty hardy fish. if use soap to wash them make sure you get ALL he soap off.

What does Oprah Winfrey's dream about OJ Simpson mean to the "New Age" movement?

What does Oprah dreaming about OJ confessing to her have to do with the "New Age movement", whatever the hell that is?

What to do for my teacher that started crying? ANSWER PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Get everyone who left tell her sorry for leaving, and were proud of you for being a caring person. Tell her it's her heart in the matter that really counts. Editing video as well as shooting it takes some know how and it's ok if someone doesn't know everything. Don't tell her lie about liking it though, just tell her the truth in kindness. :) Encourage her and her husband to not give up though, it takes practice and learning to do it successfully.

Do you think this guy likes me?

sounds to me like hes interested in you. and yes he was talking to his friend about you. or you were brought up on conversation. which is good (: and i know when a boy flirts and he was flirting with you. (: good luck

Is this a real friend or not? real dramaQueen ladies?

a female that make up excuses all the time and thinks she's better than the next person and likes to argue through tex messages instead of over the phone. she has to have the last word and she's going to make sure she has the last word. she likes entertainment and when you dont give it to her she going to make you entertain her ignorancy. call you all kind of names but your first name all cause you said some crap she didnt like so you must entertain her or she's going to get it out of you one way or another has a past history of drugs real bad men use to beat on her and she have the nerve to call me senseless and no good so what should i do leave this chick alone and move around cause thats exactly what i have done

What did you do today??

i woke up at 7 am went to work at 8 am,got out at 1 pm,got a free xmas tree,got home at 2 pm took a nap got up around 3 pm got something to eat at mc Donald's checked my lotto tickets and .....i won ,i won the mega lotto woooooooooooooo!!!!

Where can i watch the"donald Trump's house of wings" sketch from snl?

i cant find it on youtube, google, altavista, dogpile, or anywhere else. I bought the dvd it was on (snl goes commercial) from itunes but it was not there! I need help!

During an arrest may a service animal be separated from its handler?

Has anyone with a Service animal been arrested? I am really wondering what I should do if this happens to me. The police were called the other day when I was at the bus station. I was being very polite and respectful. I had a copy of the ADA with me but they were demanding information I am not legally obliged to give. If I am falsely arrested I am concerned with what will happen to my service animal.

The asteroid icarus, though only a few hundred meters across, orbits the sun like the planets. its period is ?

the asteroid icarus, though only a few hundred meters across, orbits the sun like the planets. its period is 410 day. what is its mean distance from the sun?

Number 2 pencils are the best, aren't they!?

My school only accepts number 2 pencils, so they must be the best. I got this way cool one the other day at the candy store. It had cool bicycles all over it. I asked the guy if it was a #2 pencil and he looked it up. It was so I bought like 3 of them. My teacher was like all mad and asked if they were #2 pencils. I just glared at her a fired back, "you bet your sweet backside they are." Well I got a bit carried away and didn't actually call it a backside, so I got sent to the principle's office. I was so mad I threw those pencils across the room before I left. Now that I'm over it I'm gonna go buy some more. Man those were some cool bicycles pictures on those pencils.

Help -- Whats the theme of this poem !?

i think the theme is emotional control because he talks about how angry he is but then all of a sudden when his daughter comes to him it's like the "war" that had been going on no longer exsisted. or maybe the power of love is the theme

Does ONE snow storm debunk what NASA says about 2009 being the warmest year on record?

I shall answer this like I do all climate change questions. WHO CARES! Can we all agree that there was an ice age prior to our existence? I think we can. Can we all agree that we are not in an ice age now? I think we can. Can we all agree that global warming caused the thaw of said ice age? I think we can. Was that instance of global warming caused by SUV's, coal fired power plants and cow farts? I don't think so. The earth will do as it pleases no matter how large our collective ego is as a human race. We can't change squat.

Edge the most overlooked top Heel by the fans!! agree or disagree?

I'm sick of this ****. JBL comes cuts a promo he gets booed or you suck chants......Orton comes out cuts a promo gets booed and you suck chants....jericho comes out who had a very boring promo...gets booed and you suck chants......and Edge who i believe was great on the mic talking about taking Cena way from his kidie fans...shoulds had gotten a lot of heat or you suck chants...not one boo or reaction..its like Edge is not makes me sick......Hes not boring and hes amazing on the mic........HES A F***ING HEEL.....BOO HIM PEOPLE!......

What to read at my niece's Bat Mitzvah?

I have been chosen to read at my niece's Bat Mitzvah. We grew up Catholic. My sister converted to Judaism when she married. I have perused poetry books suggested by the Rabbi and neither my sister nor I have been inspired by any of the poems. Have done some internet research with little success. Music lyrics, poems, readings, excerpts all welcome. The Temple is reform and my niece is reading about Noah for her Torah portion. So anything having to do with rain, rainbows or anything related to Noah would be great. Any suggestions from someone who has been there and done that?

What happened to Sally Stitch?

you can watch any tv show episode online for free over at streamingtv.. they got very good collection.

My snot is only yellow right after i wake up, otherwise clear... sinus infection?

Try using a vaporizer or humidifier at night. If the air in your room is too could be the cause of your problem

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I want to drive a truck but i got a dwi 06/2006?

You are probably out of luck until 06/2011. Most companies won't even talk to you until it's five or more years. Also, it has to be five years from the conviction date, not the offense date. If your driving record is pretty decent then, you should be able to find the job you're looking for. No DUI, No Reckless or careless driving in the past five years.

Prosody of 'Beauty' by Tony Hoagland?

Beauty is a flower, a tree, a erfly, a pretty girl. They all belong in Botany. Dont think an English paper fits here on any count. You might get more help if you post in the right category?

Is an Intel GMA-4500 MHD Shared graphics card any good for playing The Sims?

Buying a new laptop and have decided that 4GB of ram and 500GB of hard drive is probably best because i want to load a lot of sims 2 and 3 games onto it and when i get the chance to play it i tend to play it for ages. My laptops are lasting less than 2 years at the most which is why im not wantin to pay much for this one. The thing im not really sure about is the graphics card so if anyone can tell me anything about that or even recommend a laptop thatd be great. Thanks !!! :)

Should Humans pursue knowledge?

The question of God's existence is a scientific question. So I'm uming that since you don't believe in God, you have scientific proof that God doesn't exist. Tell us more.

Why are some soldiers mean?

I have a lot of respect for U.S. soldiers, so don't get the wrong idea by me asking this question. But, there are videos on YouTube and other websites of soldiers being really mean to Iraqi kids. For example, they were telling the kids that both them and their country smelt like a**. And most people have probably heard of the event where the one soldier threw the puppy off the cliff. So why are some soldiers like that? I know that not all are like that because I've also seen videos of soldiers that hand out soccer to the kids in Iraq. Can someone help me answer this question?

Grandmother is Bohemian. So am I Bohemian or Czech?

Czech Republic is composed of regions. There are 3 regions: Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia...So that means that you are Bohemian Czech...Its something like when you live in Texas so you are Texas American...

Has anyone out there ever struggled with spiritual warfare and how it relates to psychosis or mental illness?

I have a member of my family who was a firm believer in the Bible and then was "overtaken" very suddenly with an altered state of reality. She watched the movie "The Ring" and in one week was rendered mentally incapable of going back to school. She was disoriented to the point where she confused night with day, what color her eyes or skin were, even had to be told repeatedly what her name was. Previously she had been an A' student in high school. Any thoughts or comments from anyone?

When is the best time to file a nonsuit in your civil case?

I am involved in a lawsuit, and the judge is doing some questionable things already in the case. I don't trust what's she is doing, and to protect the case, I want to withdraw it. In there answer, two of the defendants didn't ask for affirmative releif. But one part did in there answer. Can I file a non suit motion, and will it stand?

Need advise on how to handle an Ebay selling problem...?

Just cancel all of them and apologize for not making the description clear. Let him know that you will repost the auction and he can bid on it if he wants. If it ends up he doesn't want it, i'm sure someone else will.

American Idol last night?!?

no, i don't think it's rigged. i think adam was much more publicized and even the kris fans believed he was going to win. but they hype wasn't nearly as great for kris as it was adam.

How did beethoven's musical composition during the "middle period" of his life differ from his other periods?

I have read that the music that Beethoven composed in his "middle period" differed from the other periods of composition of his life as it placed a strong emphasis on dynamics and also furthered the scope of the clical period of compositon at the time. Yet I would like to know how his music placed a strong emphasis on dynamics and how his music furthered the scope of clical music, if at all.

Who do you think will win Stoke or Man City in the FA Cup Final?

Personally I believe the Mighty Potters will win around 3-1 or 2-0 tbh. Just wanted to know what everyone else thinks. :)

Will Obama pledge to end Affirmative Action?

He got the nomination. There is obviously no racism yet. Will he pledge to end the last racist policy, Affirmative Action which discriminates against white people?

What are some good underground bands that sound like korn and limp bizkt?

i seriously dont want trash talk on here but i wanna hear bands that sound like limp bizkit and korn dont give me disturbed, and hollywod undead bullcrap

Determine all six trig functions from the angle theta:?

You have to provide more information than defining just a point. Trig functions cannot be defined with what you have here.

I really like him, should i wait or go for it?

The guy I like is in my homeroom. He's african-american, tall, little afro, really cute. My problem is, I've liked him for a while and I can't find confidence to ask him out, in my mind I'm not attractive at all. The other thing is he's a football player that's pretty popular, and I'm kind of well known but not popular. Can I please have tips on if I should get to be better friends with him before I ask him out or just go for it?? Thank you in advance!!


You're all idiots. Is it not obvious that he is trolling? Read the last sentence of additional details carefully, then look at his name and avatar...

What do u think will happen?

ok so my bf just broke up with me after 6 months of dating...we had a great relationship...i can tell that he really loved me bc he would always want to see me, was affectionate when he was with me, introduced me to his immediate family and friends, would always contact me and buy me things..the reason why he broke up with me was because he decided to go to med school in russia for 6 yrs in september....he told me that he cant do long distance relationships and its better just to end things now...he told me how he really cares about me and the last thing that he would wanna do is hurt me...and then he was like i dont know if you want to be cool with me or not....i was speechless...i didnt expect this coming from him cause we had a really good relationship...i can tell that he was upset too just by the sound of his voice and he told me that he hasnt been sleeping over this...he really broke my heart...i just want to know do you think he regrets losing me?? i was a great girl to him... will he miss me?? we used to talk everyday

Whats the worst little area in bay area?

hi i am from the bay area i was curious to ask whats the absolute worst area of the bay area,meaning crime wise i know westand east oakland and dangerous and richmond and hunters point of san francisco are dangerous but out of east oakland and richmond and hunters point what would be the most dangerous of those to go threw at night not that all ever be going to do that just curious? im not talking about full citys just little sections like is there a section of east oakland worse then area of hunters point ..

HELP!!! My computer is saying I have a worm in it and its trying to access my credit card information!!!?

I get this page that says I have the Lsas.Blaster.Keyloger worm. It says to activate the system security. It says it cost 50 dollars or 80 dollars for a lifetime. But it asks for my credit card information. If I enter my credit card information will someone get it. What should I do????????

Surely more water in oceans will increase CO2 absorption?

I could argue both sides concerning m balance. It's largely dependent on seasonal values. Long term predictions never did much for me considering that sea ice, evaporation and fresh water reentry all influence salinity and PH. I'm sure that some modeling techniques have tried to compensate for variances. But still that leaves the question open for equilibrium.

Why do Rich Blue state people need government to take care of them, but people in Poorer Red States, don't?

Poorer Red State people actually have a job and take pride they don't have to depend on government to support them. Even the illegals in the red states work for what they have! They don't get the handouts the illegals get in blue states!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Abut architecture courses after engineering?

hi.i hav completed be in mechanical and want to be an arhitect . so i wanna join special courses in home designing & i am so intersted in this and comfortable to learn..

Just wondering what do you think ?

had a miscarriage 1 mth ago on 3/11 found out i am pregnant :) on 4/13bc i never had af md cnt tell me how far along i am .... took blood work on 4/13 got results for my hcg ..2,913.... can anybody tell me how far along they think i might possible be bc my mom says lyk 2 wks bc of the dates but going by the hcg i would think that i would b further gma is convinced twins .... go back for u/s and f/u appt on 5/5..... THX for the help

Is women's taste in boys getting more "feminine"?

Hell no, at least not with me. I like my guys looking manly and rugged. With nice big, rough hands, a y deep voice and a man's body not overly muscular but not lean either. I think girls who like those guys are still teens and still a bit immature to what an actual man is suppose to look like and plus they are use to guys looking like that but women know better

What is the cost on Singapore wedding?

I am doing a project on wedding and is due next Mon (11 may). I need to complete the project by this week. I just want to know the cost on wedding package, bridal car, dinner banquet, bouquets and etc. You can give me cheap or expensive wedding costs. This is URGENT, and if i fail this project, i get a low marks for this project.

Airborne as a dietary supplement?

Last year i drank alot of water with airborne in it and went from 115 lbs to 108. I just wanna know if anyone else has lost alot of weight drinking this too

Question about Shutter Island?

Anyone know the name of the mental illness that Leonardo DiCaprio's character had in the film that made him believe he was a detective when he was in fact a patient?

Can your please do me a favour?

Sorry sweetie, I had the same problem. I think the link is broken or the page is down for maintenance.

Please answer this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

It's the old Nubian Civilisation. Ethiopia is the largest producer of myrrh. It's old script was Amharic. And Haile Sele is considered the Black Jesus.

Nervous about a party im attending?

Theres a girl from another school that likes me that invited me to her party that shes having. She said there will be about 40~60 people in her house and they arn't from my school either, which means theyll all be a complete strangers. To make things worse, this is the first party THIS BIG that I will be attending. It just a casual party with alchohol and etc. Im pretty shy when it comes to strangers when i have to talk to them, but at the same time, I don't want to seem like a loser and I don't want to make her feel like I'm not having any fun. I get a bit more loose when Im tipsy, and i might start acting crazy, but I just want to ask for some suggestions. I don't want to be just there by myself the whole time while everybody else is having a fun time. What can i do..?

Why my 1989 ford probe GL 2.2L five speed bogs. down on me.?

My 89 ford probe gl 2.2L bogs down on me I have changed. The fuel pump and fuel filter. And it is stil doing i. Put hafe 93 octane and hafe 89 octane gas in it and it stil does it it bogs down on me and i give it gas when it does then and its like im not even doing anything when I down shift the same thing happens. And I pull over and it pidy much dies then I go to start it and nothen it cracks. And cracks then it wil fire back up.. and il go for about five mins then the same thing hapens plz help

I just got a new fish tank and put some tester fish in it ,they are fine .. how long untill i can get new fish?

washed it out filled it with purified water theres a filter rocks houses plants and such i put 2 mollies and 3 danios and they seem to be perfectly long untill i can get new fish?

Why are there so many apologists for the UK monarchy when they'd never make the same concession to you & I?

There is no place in the 21st century for an out dated institution like the monarchy. Its time they were abolished

Need help what are some good books for teenage guys??

HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &7!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D or... ERAGON!

Help I think I ingested something harmful !!?

If I applied clindamycin phosphate topical solution 1% to my nose and then after about 1 hour I toke a bath accidentally . And I think I got some into my mouth or nose and if I did is there any potential harm, or is it that after a ~ 1 hour the medicine was already absorbed into my skin and there is no harm done?

What was your favorite quote from Bruno?

Mine were the one where he told the pastor he had perfect lips, and the pastor was like, "these lips were made to praise Jesus", could someone give me the exact quote to that if they remember it? My other favorites were "How cool is Jesus? Is he cooler than the Backstreet boys?" and "Is it a coincidence that all the good people have long hair, like Jesus, and like hippies and you know Rod Stewart." What were your favorites?

Ttc but a problem!embared....?

shouldn't. as long as you didn't get up straight after should be fine. did you give time for the sperm to stay in a while? good luck.

What are your opinions on teenage public displays of affection?

I am an adult and I think that holding hands is alright, and a peck on the cheek type of kiss is all right. But I don't think that hanging off each other and staying in an embrace is very mature. And I don't think that a full kiss (tongue) is appropriate either.

Who's your favorite TV Judge?

It's b/w Judge Mathis and Judge Millian. Judge Judy gets on my nerves. She makes you want to do something to her with her attitude.

So who actually apposes the Arizona law?

I'm on the fence. Something needs to be done about the illegal immigrant problem but I don't know if this is the best way to go about it.

Baseball keeper question?

I am working on my keepers for my auction baseball league. I have good balance across my team so no other factors matter except what I am looking at. I have Matt Cain who is somewhat overpriced and Desmond Jennings who is beyond cheap. We have a minor league roster so I can stash Jennings until Manny or Damon gets hurt if I want. My other keepers at those positions are Jon Lester, Yovani Gallardo, Justin Verlander, Carlos Gonzalez and Shin Soo-Choo. Which one do I keep?

Should i worry that my boyfriend walked a girl home?

I think it is harmless, i mean you obviously like him because he is a really nice guy right? Him walking a girl home is probably just part of him being a nice guy. If it bothers you, ask him not to do it again. If you find he has done it again...then you should worry.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is it okay to wear my sisters jeans to an MCR concert?

hell ya! it's f*ckin mcr!! of course!! i saw them the 19th.. it was my first concert, and i was soo happy it was them. lol. billy talent and drive by were really good too! =)


What m of precipitate forms when 168.5 mL of 0.554 M NaOH is added to 517 mL of a solution that contains 18.2 g aluminum sulfate per liter?

Should Liverpool take full advantage of Abramovich`s desperation?

Even the rich Rushkie will have his limit, if Liverpool arn`t careful they will end up getting stuck with a player who does not want to be there

Why is it important to conserve natural resources and why are they important?

Clean water and air as well as unpolluted land are necessary for us to live. If we build on and pave over everything and we don't conserve our natural resources - not only will we kill most of the plant and wild life, but we humans will also be gone, it's that simple.

Would hand made baby cot sheet and quilt sets sell?

i am thinking about trying to sell my hand crafted baby quilt and sheet sets on ebay. I just wanted a quick count to see if people would actually buy them or if i am wasting my time. and also if that's the case what would a reasonable price to charge? The 4 i have already made and given away as gifts cost around $20.00 each to make. all opinions are welcome.

Genetic algorithm?

Is the phrase 'genetic algorithm' both the reproductive study and a program with computers? its all confusing...

Why do Republicans try to make me a Democrat?

After reading some of the responses, I do see what you are talking about. Good luck on discussion. Just keep in mind that Jesus Christ had lots of Liberal tendencies, what the conservative party is doing and has done is not being a good christian. God Bless!

Has mel C from spice girls....?

The coloured one, Had her hair chemically straightened or was it already like that? She just had a perm instead?

Im coughing really badly can anyone help?

I started to have a sore throat around 9 on Wednesday night before i went to bed.The next morning my voice was all low and i sounded congested. It hurts to talk to talk and swallow. I keep coughing up reddish yellow mucus and I constantly have to keep blowing my nose. I'm really hot and sweaty all the time and I'm coughing non-stop! Its been like this since wednesday.My voice is worst in the morning as well as my coughing and runny/stuffy nose. It becomes mild through out the day then it impossible to go to sleep at night please help me what should I do?

Ok this saddens me of being single and?

this saddens me of being single and how do I no longer be single, I know plenty of girls near and far, but how do I get with someone, but a lot of my girls that I know too either haev a boyfriend or are married and there are not many girls in my immediate area, how do I get with someone. Being single and not being with partner bothers me sooo.

Port Adelaide - Biggest losers of the decade?

I wouldn't say Power are the biggest losers of this decade....they won a flag in 2004, the ultimate reward. There are teams that have gone the whole decade without winning a premiership and making the finals only a few times (Fremantle) so I would think they are the biggest losers. Then again there are the teams that have made finals almost every year (Collingwood) but have not won a flag. Depending on how you look at it they are also big losers. But i do agree with you that the Power have had a lot of wasted opportunities.

Please Help With Question!!! First Answer!!!!!!?

How far is the second dark fringe to the right of the central bright fringe in the double-slit interference pattern seen on a screen 5 m from the slits? The slits are separated by 0.2 mm and are illuminated by monochromatic light of wavelength 578 nm.

Door fallen off my hoover WDM 150 washer dryer?

Sorry I can�t help fix your machine, If only you lived closer I could wash your clothes for you. it might be a better idea to ask this Q in Maintenance and repairs

Is ity hereditary?

No. It is scientifically proven that there is no ual gene. If there was a gene, then if one identical twin was a ual, then the other would HAVE to be one too because their genes are exactly the same. This is not so; however, since there are plenty of identical twins out there where one of them is a and the other heteroual.

Are footballer treated like school kids, I-pods banned at Hull?

What are the footballers going to say to each other? Van P" Vot colonge, ast you wearen nacht day, Fab?" Fab " he or, he or, he or!"

Why do people love foo fighters?

First what a horrible name they might as well have called their band "pink panty wearing b****s.Second they write the most retarded lyrics ever"one do i say is not like the other"And on top on that they repaet that pathetic lyric over and over again in there big hit song.Third the only reason you like them is because kurt cobain died.But let me tell all you foo f***ot and nirvana fans something:do you really believe kurt cobain and dave grohl are not child molesters?They put a naked baby face down in a swinning pool and took a picture of its privates and put it on an album cover i mean if you are that gullible you probaly believe what kinsey did was "research".Why dont you people stop overating these 2 horrible grunge bands they are not even as good as pearl crap and nickelback!Why do you love them?

Is it normal when a Minister is leaving a Church that they recommend you give them "monetary gifts"?

I think that is disgusting, If the Minister is really a person of "God" they should recommend to leave money to a charity in the Ministers name

Christians: What are your convictions?

My convictions are when I get angry, and start to get a foul mouth, and start to spew junk out of my mouth, then He convicts me!

Does he really or kind of like me?

i think you should go for his freind, the one that is extremely attrative. maybe you could work on begin less werid and stop hiding from guys. i know some of them can be very intimadateing but so can we girls.

I think I am in need of a reality check!?

So I have been married for almost 2 years and I have 2 with my husband and one not. While I was pregnant with our daughter things really just went south for us. I mean I don't really want to be with him anymore...he doesn't make me happy. My girls adore him and I have decided to stick it out because of them. I have suggested counceling but he refuses and says we will work our problems out on our own...i do not need more crap shoved in my head. I NEVER get out of the house without him unless it is to work out and that is just recent, even then I get the what were you doing crap..He doesn't trust me and always insinuates that I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing. I have never stepped outside our relationship or marriage. Just recently I ran into an ex from about 4 years ago or so. He just got out of a serious relation ship at the begining of the year and we got to talking. We have been in contact again for 2 weeks and I feel horrible, especially now (cont)

Why do two people -MSG and then avoid each other in person?

I want to know, why do two people " message" (engage in promiscuous messages) AND/OR engage in intimate conversations via email, text, phone etc, and then avoid each other completely in person??

Where can you find the piano song Your Song by Elton John for free?

I been looking for an hour and all it shows is samples of the music. Is there a way I can get the full song for free on the piano. Thanks.

Should i run for student council?

ok, well im a freshman in high school. last year as an 8th grader, i ran for president. and we had fun running. stickers and speeches and all. but i lost to this kid who did nothing. now its time to pick officials again and ppl are asking if i am running. first of all if they all thought i was qualified and stuff why didnt i win to begin with. lol i know its just a popularity contest. anyway. alot of ppl in my homeroom asked me, espicially some of the more popular kids. when i lost i was really upset. but i dont want to run and be humilated again. what should i do? should i run? and if so should i run for prez, vp, secretary or treasurer? thanks!

Please help could i be pregnant?

Sounds like it. I say just make a quick run to the Dolalr Store and get yourself a test. You want to find out early so oyu can give yourself and your baby the correct medical care. Goodluck!(:

I turn my car on and soon as its in gear it turns off. I replaced the relays what might it be?

It's a Plymouth Breeze 1996. I need to keep it running till I can get a new car. Any help would be appreciated. I need it to get my special needs son back and forth from school.

My girlfriend want to buy a house with me on as a co-signer?

my girlfriend and her parent are looking for a house, due to her credit history she wanted me to co-sign i don't know what to do, should i co-sign then in 2 to 6 months have them deed me off it, what i don't know is if im a owner of the house or just helping with the loan, is there such thing like that or if im on the loan i should be part owner of the house or in other wards on the title of the house?

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Wow. Same exact thing going on here, my friend! Its like im reading my own story. I think its just crushing. And as to get over him, i hung out with this one guy all day and i like him now alot and havent been thinking about the other guy that flirts w/ every1 for a while, so i suggest trying to meet a different guy

Raven Symone - Her Size & Appearence?

I believe Raven Symone is not fat. I know she is definantly not skinny, and she could lose a few pounds without harm, but all-in-all I believe she covers the "average build" or "normal build" for a healthy woman. I believe it's good to be a bit bigger, but not so that it looks disgusting. Being super small is also very unattractive. I have not seen Raven Symone in most recent pictures, so I could be wrong now, but about the time the Cheetah Girls 2 came out, she looked about right for a healthy lady. Anyone else agree? *Be considerate of others beliefs if you disagree to mine and you decide to reply.

AP English and Composition - College Credits?

We can't help you here. Colleges that accept AP credits usually give you however many credit the cl it's replacing was worth, so that's usually between 1 and 5 depending on how the school igns credits. And which cl it replaces is entirely up to them.

Difficult to buy cover when stock drops significantly?

A $2,000 trade (10,000 shares at $0.20) is not going to move a stock price if there is any liquidity at all in the stock. With an average daily volume of 2,000,000 shares you are talking about a stock where about $11,000,000 was trading hands every day when the stock was at $5.50. The odds of liquidity drying up so quickly that you would have difficulty covering are too low to worry about.

How much CAD willI need to equip 1 bedroom flat in canada.?

we are moving in canada,and planing to rent unfurnished 1 bedroom flat.I am intersted of prices in general to buy bed,fridge,tv,washing mashine,dryer,hi-fi,stove etc...I am talking about normal brands and quality just for begging, or maybe is better to rent furnished flat?

Is America's recovery sitting right in front of us...?

That debate has been going on since the 60's. But even if it didn't work, we would certainly be more happy about the current situation. Whatever it is.

What are some good easy jobs that pay $800 a week?

That don't require high school diploma, GED, experience, costumers, background checks, PROSTITUTION, DRUG DEALING, selling stuff etc. Something very simple because i am determined to move outta GA back to New Jersey where i'm from because i hate it here. And plan to get myself an 1 bd rm apt.

How can i do hypnosis?

i was wondering how people use the power of suggestion to hypnotize. I've seen it done at state fairs and wonder if its true and if so how is it done.

How U like Murry's teeth LOL?

OMG I know, as I have said, I think he looks like a little rodent! His disgusting rat face is to much for me. His side teeth are so pointy, and he opens his mouth in the weirdest ways when he hits the ball. It's kind of gross!

Hated by the one you love the most.I wrote this as how I feel at the 22 and married. Ugh so comlicat?

Life's too damn short sweetie, you're young, you need to move on and find someone who will truly love you the same way you love him. You'll get over the jerk.

Middle School Advice!?

I'm wondering, how is it like to be in middle school? I'm going to 6th grade next year, and I've been to an orentation at this middle school. But how is it like? Got any advice if I don't like the people that beside my locker? I've read the brochure.

What fashion style do you prefer? West coast or east coast?

Well theres a lot of different styles in the West Coast. People dress like punks, gangsters, surfers, all suited, and all kinds. Right now is cold so usually girls wear their boots, scarves, & big jackets. Everybody hear dresses differently here you really cant choose cus its impossible. Its like me thinking that people in the East Coast is all about how the cast of the Jersey Shore dress so everybody dresses differentlly by what part of California you live at. For example you got the North, Central, coast area, and the South in CALI. Its all different.

Cremello horse? What stupid things have you heard or said?

haha well someone asked a question about Champagne and palominos and i answered. i didnt guess, i researched from many different sites making sure i was positive i wwas going to be right and appearantly i suck at picking websites and the people who gave me info were wrong. Mandy then corrected me too. hehe. but i think what happened was that i couldnt figure out HOW to say it. lol. because i did have the right idea i just couldnt write it to where it made sense. lol. thank you Mandy, i learned something new today. hehe.

Where can i get printable schematic drawing for start and separate run capacitors ?

wiring diagram in unit not readable Customer pulled all wiring out. fan and compressor check good. (screw type compressor). Thank you for help !!! This intended for maintenance and repair, that option not given on list.

How do you defeat the Veronica virus on the Wii for resident evil?

I'm playing resident evil, dark-side Chronicles and i'm on the part where you come up against the Veronica virus and i can't get past it once she mutates into the big bug like thing. Your told to go up and around her to get to a launch thing but i can't get past it, has anyone done it and completed it?

Why does the fan run after engine is turned off?

I have a plymouth sundance. just recently the fan started staying on after the engine turned off. it doesn't do this every time it's driven. it runs the battery really low. whats going on?

Do you think Andy Samberg of SNL is cute?

He looks really handsome and masculine with his really thick neck and square face and big smile. Do you think he's cute?

Should i keep saving my $ for a car or just buy 1 thing that i want?

i have 2100 saved so far for a car, im 16 right, so me and my sister really want a trampoline like really badly for a while now, id be willing to buy it myself they run 250-350 I figure it'd be like buying a gaming system like a x box or something, so should i keep saving or buy the tramp?

Need help,, heart attack at 14?

well my nephew has high cholesterol which he inherited and was only in like 2nd or 3rd grade when he was diagnosed. his grandpa died of a heart attack.

Sprain/torn ankle liagament?

I fell over on Friday and hurt my ankle, it was painfull and swollen, although I could still bear weight on it. Went to A and E and was told I have done something to ligament. Saturday morning woke up in agony, couldnt put any weight on it at all and was in tears, took ibuprofen and rested it for most the day. Sunday could put a little weight on it although supporting most my weight on cruthes. Sunday evening swelling even worse, now foot swollen, am panicking have I done more damage by standing on it. When should i put some weight on it, and when should I try to do some mobility exercises? How long will it be until I can walk unadided and without have a very strange limping walk?

Jesus told the truth and was crucified, Harold Camping lies and gains more followers, why?

I am fed up with Harold Camping and his date setting for the rapture. Every time he sets a new date it comes and goes and he is proven yet once again to be a liar and a false Prophet. Why do you think it is that the number of his followers grows every time he tells a lie or teaches a false doctrine? If I was a betting man I can guarantee you that Camping nor any of the other date setters would take my million dollar bet that they are wrong.

Waylon Jennings or Steve Earle...who's better and why?

To me, Steve Earle is one of the greatest artists in America. I am not a big country fan but his music hits at the heart of what music should be. His lyrics are deeply personal and tell a story. He can move in and out of country and rock exceptionally well and if you know him, is not afraid to speak his mind and will not kowtow to those who disagree with him. He is an American musical legend.

Distilling alcohol?

does anybody know where i can find the regulations reguarding production of distilled spirits for personal consumption. i make small batches of fruit wine and would like to try my hand at distilling it into brandy without doing so illicitly. no interest in making "shine" particularily no interest in having any trouble with the authorities. just want a fed website link that gives me in black and white what i can and cannot distill, and what, if any, is considered legal for personal consumption. i searched on the atf website but came up empty handed. figured that they would be the source because they are the ones that enforce the regulations for this. thanks

TTC, I saw a spot of blood today when I used the bathroom?

Its sounds really promising!! I would wait a couple of days and take a test!! But I think all ur signs are pointy in the right directions! Good luck and I hope u get ur BFP!!

To the Christians. And I'm not even an atheist :)?

I also would like to hear peoples views on this! I am with you! why can't people see its the same message?

I'm a 14 Year old Male and Adults and people my age mistake me for a 20 year old man, What can I do?

My husband had the same problem- he was 6"1' by the time he was 18 and had a full beard. His friends used to have him buy beer because he never got carded. He said he HATED that. (That was the 80's so I doubt it would work now adays- anyway your too smart for that. He figured out though that it just is what it is and if you can't change it accept it as best as you can. You never know some hotty Highschool girls might be checking you out and you son't even know about it and I bet no one messes with you or bullies you. Just be who you are eventually it will all smooth out after Highschool- there are most likely guys who die to be in your shoes right now.

Is this platonic love?

I miss him during the day and I'm always excited to talk to him again. We talk to each other almost everyday and we tell each other everything. I feel like I would do anything for him and that I love him. But I don't want a relationship with him...certain things about him just don't attract me. And plus he likes someone else (which is fine with me)...are my feelings just intensely platonic or something?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Is it bad being too close with your family member?

I've noticed that I have grown more attached to my parents. I even sometimes call them "mommy" and "daddy" as if I'm a little girl when I'm really sixteen. I often hug them and like to snuggle with them when they're sitting on the couch. I'm very dependent on my mother and sometimes it could be a bad thing. But people have noticed that I'm very close with my grandfather who has Alzheimer's disease. It's been that way since I was a baby. He used to sing me a lullaby as he rocked me in his rocking chair, he used to buy me candy bars from the local store, and I used to ask him to draw me pictures. Sometimes I worry if he's going to die because he's 91 years old. I love him very much and he's almost like my best friend. I was touched when he remember who I was because I showed him my school yearbook and he managed to point out who I was. He even commented on how much I've grown. He doesn't even remember he's married to my grandmother or that my mother and her siblings are his children. But his face always lights up when he sees me and he lets me kiss him before I leave the nursing home. He even kisses me back. Now that he has a great-granddaughter, he talks about her more and I'm a little jealous because I used to be his "little baby". That was my nickname. I'm sometimes kind of y over the fact that I'm his favorite grandchild and that he remembers me. Is that a little bit too close?

Why are we Iraqis superior?

Oviously a troll question. What are you talking about? Superior to whom? Iraqis are superior to many people. I know them and have served with them. They generally are great people.

If tan(x) = -2/3, and pi/2 is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to pi, find the value of csc 2x?

If tan(x) = -2/3, and pi/2 is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to pi, find the value of csc 2x

Where does the source of phosphate in coquina come from?

Although it is mainly comprised of CaCO3 from shells, where does the phosphate come from, because coquina is sometimes mined for fertilizers, which utilizes the phosphate.

Political peopls and govt employs are not change their attitude.They cont think normal peopls why.?

present every where in india politcal people think only their personal improvement.present situation our governament also think only how to face the opposition and court cases.Bt they are not respond public problums.They do every work for their commision purpose.with out commission they cont accept any project or any town improvement.public cash use their own enjoyment purpose.

Can I make a mask?

The absolute easiest thing to do since you seem like a beginner is to insert a multi-line text area. There is no need for a form tag since it is not performing a function. Extend the text area to the size you need and paste the text within the field.

Golfers: Who is your favorite course designer?

In my opinion Macdonald is the best course designer. He's one of the first course designers ever and places meticulous detail onto making sure each hole has a distinctive feature to it, ensuring 18 solid holes, each challenging in there own way. I've had the privilege to play on two of his courses, Pipping Rock Club and The Creek Club on Long Island, NY and not only are they rated in the top 100 golf courses in the nation but of all the courses I've played none of them have had the challenge and beauty that those two courses posses.

How to fix a shirt?

You can have your mom cut out the white part and just wear one of your own white tank tops under it. or you can have your mom shorten the straps.

Why was i wrong regarding my guess that Hilary Clinton will be the next president ?

I think we were wrong because we never dreamed that someone we had never heard of before could run against her, gain momentum and then surp her. Obama did what few others could do. I have finally accepted that Hilary lost and have moved on to Obama giving him my full support. His speech tonight was awesome! Not only was it inspiring but he sure did sock it to McCain - something we've long been waiting for.

A huge asteroid impacts the planet... Large dinosaurs die due to starvation... For how long was the sky brown?

How long did it take for the earths atmosphere to clear up???? Was it months or years or ???? Thanks

1990 Isuzu Pickup Truck problem. Replaced Alternator and "LOW FUEL", "BATTERY", and "BRAKE" are l

1990 Isuzu Pickup 4x4. Initial symptom was 'dead' battery, which I jumped to get going. Sometime later in the day, the heater/A/C Blower motor suddenly stopped working, and the A/C clutch will not engage. The alternator fried at the same time, so I replaced alternator. Had battery and new alternator verified *GOOD* by two independent diagnostics. The following dashboard warning lamps are illuminated: "BRAKE", "BATTERY" icon, and "LOW FUEL" pump icon. A/C will not engage the clutch on compressor pully when you press the A/C on, nor does the blower motor work. I checked each fuse on both fuse blocks and there is no blown fuse. What could be causing this problem?

How smooth will my pc run Crysis with these specs? Will it handle high settings?

nice boasting, it should be fine to run on highest settings. Make sure your HD RPM is 7500 or 10k not 5.5k. If you bought this from a store and didnt build it yourself, you might wanna get a new better HD cause thats one of the ways they cut corners. But yea, you should be fine

Who are some good players to put in the AFL supercoach team?

I am playin in a supercoach league with a bunch of other melbourne suporters. There will be stiff competition. I need to know what are some good players to put in my herald sun supercoach team?

Which nursing pillow is the best? Is more money worth the extra cost?

I got a boppy second-hand. They are really nice because even if you get one second hand, they have slipcovers that you can buy for them, and they have a lot of different styles, colors, and textures to choose from. It doesn't really matter what brand you use as long as it does the job.

How much do the black tna fleece pants at aritzia cost?

the one with the tna sign and " TNA " on the one of the legs , and full length , not capris

Whats the iest Halloween costume a female could possibly wear?

Single again for the first time in almost 3 yrs, so I want to have a fun and y night out on Halloween. I want something thats going to grab all the attention. So men, what is ur idea of the iest costume a girl can wear??? All ideas are appreciated!!!!! And please no female haters!! Im 24 and its the one night a yr where u can go out looking like a total tramp!! and I cant wait. =D

Oh, goodness....PLEASE help me?!?

okay well first..... definately ask him to the dance. if he doesnt like you he will probably still go with you but will let you know that your just friends that way he can tell you.

Long question but it bothers me non-stop and I really need help...Thanks ahead of time...?

Alright… There’s this girl that quite frankly, I believe I love. Can’t stop thinking about her and she is, at this time in my life, one of the few things that can actually make me smile. Its not that I am obsessed or infatuated, it is just more of my incompetence to be able to do what I need to. I am a sopre in high school and she is a junior. At the beginning of the school year, I had known her for a year and I liked her during the previous year but I made no attempt to get closer. This year that has changed and my interest in her has increased greatly as I got to know her better. I am doing everything in my ability to get to the point where I can ask her out. One major point to bring up is that to this date, I have never been in a relationship of any sorts. Period. After about three months of getting closer to her I asked my best friend (he had been friends with her since they were young) out of desperation, to call her up, ask if she thought I liked her and what she thought of me (he pretended he had no idea). She said she thought I did like her and that at that time she only liked me as a friend. Now, a month later, I had been talking to her pretty much every day. Both in person (on the bus everyday) and on aim. She was opening up much more to me and every once in a while she will bring up the fact that she thinks that she is fat. Now, I know that this is a big load of bull so I always just explain to her why she isn't and I just try and comfort her. Now, in a much broader period of time, I realized that I was talking to her a bit too much. Realizing this, I backed off, trying to give her some space. As a result, I think she doesn’t feel as pressured anymore, and as a result, when I do talk with her, the conversations tend to be much more engaging and just better overall. Unfortunately, I have gone back to my old habits of being too caught up in the moment and freaked out to ever talk to her in person. At this time, I haven’t the faintest idea of what she feels for me, and what is going through her head. The time I spend talking with her, even the time I spend with her when I don’t talk is an adrenaline rush like none other. I feel ecstatic. All of my worries and negative emotions flood away from me in an instant. I don’t know…. I don’t want to be an inconvenience I just really need to talk about it. Any responses would be amazing. Thank you for spending the time to read this…

Skateboarding problem help me please!?

Hi, I'm new to skateboarding and can just about ollie. And there's this really nice element deck that I want to buy that is 8.125". I've heard that it's easier to do flip tricks on 7" decks. I'm 5ft 9 size 8 feet if this helps. Any answers would be great. Thanks

I thought the Spanish word (Sp?) whappo meant hot? Is that true?

I thought "mucho whappo or vapo" meant very hot for a male. Is that true, how do you spell the word.

Would you name your children these names?

On the girl names...I don't really like them but I would consider Novalee only because it was in a movie I like (Home is where the heart is) or Genesis because that's my friends daughter's name. Out of the boys I didn't like any. :-(

Are the FIVE military bases and the evangelicals the reason that Colorado Springs has no dating scene?

EVERY woman in this town seems to be already married and has two or three toddlers in tow. Why is this? Also, EVERY girl that I have met while going to the community college here has a b/f. This scenario is unheard of in southern cities. Sure, there are young married couples in the south with toddlers, but not on the scale that there is here in Colorado Springs. Why is it that every woman that I've been attracted to in this town has a b/f? Please believe me when I say that it IS NOT that way in North Carolina. There are TONS of single women in the Tarheel state, unlike here in the centennial state.

We need help planning an interactive activity for explaining translation (DNA to RNA to protein) Help!?

You could act it out. We did that in a cl last year for photosynthesis (I was an oxygen free Just get everyone to be a different part of the process or molecule. It will take a bit of planning but I know I've never forgotten being a free radical and it helped me understand the process of photophosphorylation :')

The half-life of a particular radioactive isotope is 140 days. How many days would it take for the decay rate?

The half-life of a particular radioactive isotope is 140 days. How many days would it take for the decay rate of a sample of this isotope to fall to one quarter of its initial value?

Unusually long length of period in menopause?

My wife is 52 and has been in the menopause for at least a year now. she has had erratic periods before but the one she is having now has lasted for at least 3 weeks. she has complained of a stomach ache but insists that it is her stomach not anything else.. she is not exhibiting any other symptoms that are unusual for her recently, she does get hot flushes, sleeps poorly and is less focused and more tired. how long should i leave it (stop listening to excuses and bully her)before we go to the doctors

Why do the Fever Swamps on the LEFT hate our Two Term President?

It's very sad that it's become fashionable to say negative things about the leader of the free world. My favorites are: "He's an idiot!" (no doubt said by people with with more than 2 degrees from Ivy League schools) and "He's the worst President in the history of the US!" (no doubt said by people who have studied the terms and policies of EVERY President in our nations history). So jump on the bandwagon people because talking trash about Bush is cool!

Fentanyl overdose, was this a miracle?

I've been sober for almost a year now, I turned 18 not too long ago and was looking back on life and I'm puzzled on how I didn't die. I had acquired some of the 50 mcg/h transdermal patches, I had been using them for a couple weeks and one day I consumed one whole patch, then ate another. So that would be a total of 10mg within 10 minutes. My parents had been looking for me for about 2 hours and finally found me in the corner of my room with a blanket over my head, behind my snowboard ped out. They woke me up and I had an extreme thirst, I downed about 7 or 8 water bottles in 5 minutes. After that the rest is a blur. There had to be some higher power out there looking over me, would the dosage I took be deadly to most?

Who do i testify against in court?

next monday, my aunt and uncle are both going to court to settle a divorce. my aunt wants me to testify against my uncle, and say that he acted "ual" around me. However, this is not true. likewise, my uncle wants me to testify against my aunt, saying that she once attacked me with a knife. (this episode was accidental, because the knife slipped from her hand and struck the back of my arm). Either way, i am caught in a crossroad as to who to testify for/against

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Should the WWE have though of a better way to write Kharma out of storylines?

They should had been honest and just had the announcers state that Kharma is pregnant and she will be out of action until 6 weeks after her child is born.

Biology question can someone help?

Is the same amount of RNA contained in a prokaryotic cell ribosomes found in a eukaryotic ribosomes?

What are some really good scary movies that aren't gory or gross?

The Exorcist is not that gorey. It has green projectile vomiting but that's about it. Oh, and the part where Regan is shoving the crucifix into her crotch. But you don't see it graphically, just a little blood on her nightgown. The scariest movie without much gore is The Strangers. It has just a little blood spatter on the wall. But it's very terrifying.

Skatebording: how can i put more height in my ollie?

My ollies are really small. So either im doing somthing wrong or i need some info on how to get them a bit higher.

How far will all of the Brit's teams go in the champions league this season?

dont the mancs ever learn after last years showin euro cup .look no further than a team with a good pedigree ie.liverpool its already ours i will after buy a warmer coat its cold in russia.ha ha.

The untied Arab Emirates includes the oil rich Sheikhdom known as?

lol this is a trick question, since like the above answerer, the only emirate in the UAE is Abu Dhabi. a quick and simple search on about the UAE would have given you this answer!

My pot roast in the slow cooker came out kinda dry. What did i do wrong?

i marinated this top round steak in worchesthire sauce for about 8 hours. i put it into the slow cooker with some chicken broth, onions, spice, etc on low for about 5.5 hours. When I went to measure the internal temp, it was about 190. DOH! it was edible just a bit dry for my taste. What did I do wrong? Could my crock pot be too hot? Thanks!

Where did all the people who demonstrated against Israel disapear?

Do you check out U.S. university protests? I think you are mistaken if you think they have disappeared. All over the U.S. they are still going on, and speakers are brought in to speak, and divestment campaigns against Israel have launched full force via academic institutions. If you look at youtube, people release cell phone footages of protests going on nearly every single day throughout the globe against Israel, and that is a fact.

I need some new rock tunes?

you should try hair metal (poison, motley crue, skid row, warrant, ratt, etc.) i think you would like it

Are honda preludes sport cars i need answer fast

Proper sports cars are two seat roadsters, but two seat closed top cars qualify as well. A Prelude(IMO) is a sports coupe and a nice one at that, but not a sports car.

Is harold camping a lier and a fool also ?

I don't think there is anything wrong with faith in itself, and clearly he believed what he was talking about, so no he's not a fool nor a liar. I don't know what he is, but I don't think it's either of those. Either way, he's going to be copping a lot of abuse for a while so i don't think it matters, he'll be dealt his medicine haha

What point does the magnitude of the vertical component of velocity have its minimum value?

The answer is a at the top of the trajectory where the vertical velocity is zero. This defines the top of the trajectory when the ball is neither going up or down.

Losing desire to continue writing in my book?

Yes, definitely take a break. Otherwise, you'll never be happy with what you write. I would take some time to stop writing and just THINK about it some. What made you pionate about your subject to write 132 pages? Take some time to find that pion again. Good luck finishing!

Skateboards for beginners?

You should go to West 49 and ask the ppl there for beginner skateboards. They'll help u find a size that u feel is comfortable, and a style that you like. You can also choose designs and wheel colours if you don't mind to pay more. Good luck :)

What do you use to download music?

What do you use to download free music.. ive used lime wire and ares.. but im just wondering what has worked best for any of you out there. thank you

How old do you have to be in Ontario to get your M1?

My friend is turing 16 and is stoked about getting his M1, are you legally aloud at 16 in Ontario to wire your test to get you M1?


what i want to know is.. i know all that drama is doin on in bangkok but what are the people like in the other parts of thailand? like phuket, pattaya, the north? are they angry about what is happening and seem different with tourists.. or are they all good and friendly as usual.. i just dont wanna hava **** holiday!

Sperm question. help?

So i decided to see my sperm under a microscope, (dont ask why), but i couldnt find alot i used all magnifications possible, ill found 1 or 2. could it be becuase i had d 6-8 hours before imaging them, i had them on a gl coverslip, with water to keep them moist. but i see alot of smaller circular looking things, they look like ordinary cells. i also found a sperm that was broken could it be that time destroyed the cells, like they died but it so wouldnt i see there dead cell bodies????? thanks

Pokemon XD shiny pokemon?

Can i catch Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon XD? On the game cheats website this dude said he caught a shiny green Zubat by putting a Pokesnack in the Cave PokeSpot, Purifying the shadow starmie and Putting it at the front of your party if it has the illuminate ability. Is any of it true. Don't slam or diss me; just answer the question.

My friend had recently had a lumpectomy (she's 50). should this be followed by anti-hormone therapy?

will she have a provoked menopause and will it be more difficult than a natural menopause? why does our body stop producing oestrogen after the menopause and what are the consequences of its non-production?

Is Global pollution generated by global capitalism?

Global pollution is generated by factories, automobiles, and if CO2 is a poisonous gas as the EPA says, people. These things would still exist if no country on the planet was running a capitalist economy. You're full of hot air, son.

What do you think about the swine flu jab? - pros and cons...?

I dont like the idea its only just come about and not really had a running in period to see what the side effects are etc also i dont like the risk that your body can actually contract it from the jab and not be strong enough to fight it off ! I heard about a school girl that actually ped away from a jab, so it must still be testing out, what are the facts on this? Thanks

Where can i take my nitro car?

i work a lot of hours at work i just wonded if there is some where nice and wide to take my nitro car its very low to floor dose any body know where there is some thing like that between leeds-8 and leeds-14

HELP! Mother-in-Law Woes?

you HAVE to say no!! you need to set an example for the future. if you reward her temper tantrum now, she will keep doing it because she knows she can get away with it. You will live your whole life this way! Stand up for yourself.


i wanna give up on love but all my friends tell me not can i find a guy to prove that there is such thing as love............please some just tell me its tru someone how do we no? cuz right now i dont believe in it

Please can you help me with one question about a film?need to know which movie I saw, but don't remember title?

I need to know which movie I saw long ago, but I don’t remember neither the title nor actor’s names. Sorry, unfortunately I don’t remember details too. I saw this film long ago, when I was a child, and now memories are very grey. I know exactly that this film is fantastic, may be sci-fi. The main character is a man. In the beginning, closer to the middle of the film he wears tousled beard and long dirty hair. I remember one moment, this man was sitting in the corner of a very dark room in the spaceship, dirty and bearded. He was arrested or something like that, and there were serious problems on that ship. Suddenly the door was opened and other pilots came and took that man away. They needed him for some mission or like that (the scene before they’ve been discussing it). Next he appeared without any beard, very handsome and blond. I don’t remember what happened later, but in the very end of the film he was in his own spaceship, there also were two(?) girls. I remember the last scene clearly: he smiles and drew the spaceship away. I know, my explanation is so confused, but I really need to know what film was that. If you got something please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will I lose my driving license for speeding tonight?

Even though I have only ped my test 6 months ago, I am a very good driver and have covered 20,000/30,000 miles within this time. I have never endangered any other road users and I am confident with my driving ability. That said, I like to drive fast when it is safe to do so. Tonight I was driving along a dual carriageway near where I live in the UK and there were very few cars on the road. I overtook one car and was travelling at 70mph, when I saw that the large vehicle which was pulled over at the side of the road was a van with its doors open, and I think I saw a camera stood stationary at the back of the van. I also noticed that the car in front of me was a police car. So I hit the brakes, and made sure that I pulled in behind him and went down to 45mph. The police car in front of me did not pull me over, but I think the police vans with the speed detection equipment automatically takes down the offender's details so there would be no need for him to pull me over. What are the chances that I will get a letter in the post? I was meant to be doing 45mph as a restricted driver but it was a 60/70 road and no one was on it. Will they be able to detect that I was a restricted driver even though it was very dark? On a side note, if real criminals had to pay an extra �1,500 each they would think twice before breaking the law. But instead all of their expenses are paid for (via taxes) and their freedom is not taken away as such as they are allowed all of the luxuries they would enjoy at home. From my experience, there are very few nice police officers and more often than not they have shirked their own responsibilities in the face of adversity... like the time 10 guys got jumped after a night out by some boxer and the police sat and watched us getting beat up... good job, good job -.-

Which Race Would These American Women Be Considered In Brazil?

in brazil they would be considered white (maybe some would be consider morenos). even tho i can see most of them are mixed. but since alot of brazilians look like that we tend to say that that is white.

What is the newest and easiest system to use at playing casino blackjack for a single player?

Well you cant count cards unless you have a lot of people playing with you. What i would use is basic strategy. If you have two 8s then split them always. really anything 8 and higher split. If you hit 17 and higher never hit its suicide. 15 is the unlucky number though you have to hit on that even if the cards turn out bad.

Why do guy's think that it is "gay" when you shave your privates?

We had a little discussion of this at my job, both men and women. I found out most women trim or either shave their privates bald, and when I admitted I shave my privates too.....they guy's comments were either like ewww.......or that is gay. What is wrong with that?

Sam bradford vs mark sanchez whos the better quarterback?

I'm a jets fan and i still say Bradford. Even though his division is garbage for his rookie year on a crappy team he played really well. I think right now i would take Sanchez but Bradford has way more potential and will have a better career at least statistically

Should i drop reggie bush for correl buckhalter?

Why would you do that? Bush will probably lose some carries to Thomas this season, but as a receiver and kick returner he is a multiple threat. There is no guarantee Buckhalter will ever be the starter by week 1 and I think the Broncos offense could be terrible.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Downloading fonts on

After i download a font? How do i actually use it. I jsut downloaded a font called "kool king kc" and i want to use it on microsoft word, how do i do that?

DNA vs. RNA how many strands does each have?

DNA is double-stranded, and RNA is largely single stranded in the sense that at places it has hair pin bends where double strands can be seen.

Is there a game for the IPHONE (2gen) that's like the sims 3? And not to expensive...?

.... there is sims 3 in the iphone. Real racing, Gt Academy, etc. Go to for more games. They update regularly and are user friendly. Also, try to go on simulation category for the app store

Does pointing out grammatical errors make those people feel superior?

Well, I guess they ARE superior when it comes to their knowledge of correct English usage. Perhaps they ARE experts in everything else in life too. I've noticed that punctilious people carry that over into all aspects of their lives. I've also noticed that the opposite is true. Those who are negligent and sloppy with the language are often that way in other aspects of their life too.

If you are boiling your wort and pitched your hops but have a boiler over, how does the brewer correct for the?

correct for the?... you missed the end of the question. If you mean for the loss of wort, then I would recommend using some DME at the end of your boil to get back up to your target OG.

Reinforcing the "Come Command for training your dog.?

For our dog, we had to make "come" be a fun thing to do. I yell treat treat, and then come! If he comes I immediately reward him with the treat. Also, I always squat down, and open my arms when I yell come. This is less intimidating to a dog, and more inviting...I read that somewhere, and it works for us

Armageddon movie question?

okay, in the scene when bruce willis' character stays behind to set off the nuclear bomb to explode the asteroid because the remote trigger doesn't work, why does the man controlling the shuttle threaten to explode it when the crew begs him to give him a chance. why didn't he just get on and explode it from the shuttle?

Debatable Topic: illegal music downloading?

Sure, but it's done over and over... Plus if you aren't knowledgeable in both sides of the argument, the victor is always going to be Anti-illegal downloading.

Why do people hate the Shannon Twins?

I was wondering why people hate Hugh Hefner's new girlfriends, the Shannon Twins. What is wrong with them? I haven't heard much about them, but I really want to know. Please only real reasons.

Mossberg shotguns: 18 1/2 or 20 inch?

I was thinking about buying a Mossberg 500 Persuader or Mossberg Maverick 88 in 12 gauge. Is there a big weight difference between the 18 1/2 inch and 20 inch versions? Am I even gonna notice it? I've never gotten to hold them side by side.

To anyone, Atheists included - What evidence have you, that God does NOT exist?

The utter lack of evidence - your perceptions notwithstanding - is proof enough. Bodily healings? The body heals itself. Care to expound on your so-called miracles? We could use the comic relief.

Teens; How are your grades? Parents; would you be happy?

My grades are mainly A's and some B's. I'm happy with it, and if I were a parent, I'd definitely be happy with your grades.

Do you think my weight is all right?

If I height 1.82 (5' 12") it is ok to weight 70 kgs (152 lbs) ??? I'm 15 1/2 years old =D it is ok ? My mom start to say I'm so skinny... And that just lows my self esteem...

What is it meant by "credit transfer' here?

Phone company usually charges money to transfer credit. What it means here is that they will only take 91% instead of 100%.

Can i add one angel fish?

First thing first you need a bigger tank and also you need to not clean tank every time you add new fish. Also you need to make sure that the pet store where you buy your fish, that the fish are in condition and you may want to go online about the fish you have to see what you can mix together that all I can tell you for now. Good luck with your fishes

Do different colored M&M's and Skittles taste differently?

M&ms taste like milk chocolate with a hard shell to where as skittles taste like a rainbow of fruit with each juicy piece...yumm

Wouldn't it be cool if the future of space travel had a retro 50's feel about it?

Spaceships that look like buck rogers, with dials and gauges and switches, instead of ons and L.C.D. screens and remote og controllers.

Shawn Marion's mohawk, Like it or Hate it?

I was thinking about going that route, or at least what Jeff Green had, I think it looks good, but I need some support, preferably from the ladies, whether I should do it or not. So let me know! I couldn't find any images of what these what they look like so you just have to know what I am talking about.

Sign Language and babies?

no it is actually good to do that! i would sign every time you talk to them and they will grow up knowing it!! good luck

How much do you estimate your family dotcom domain name worth?

it's not just the joneses or the smiths who have a problem getting their names. there are family names that go back generations and can be based on where your ancestors lived. my family name for example happens to be a town in europe and they're a tourist and pilgrimage destination. not surprisingly, the .org, .com and a couple of other tlds were bought years ago.

What is the name of this degri episode ?

when manny wants mia on the spirit squad but darcy doesnt want her on it becuss she has a baby and at the game j.t hit nick in the face with the mascot head ?

Which Beethoven Symphony helps you learning the best at home (studying)?

Beethoven's Sixth symphony would probably be the best. He composed it with thoughts of nature in his mind, and even titled each movement with what scene he was depicting. It's very soothing.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What do you think ( 20 characters)?

I am staying the night at my bfs house tonight. im going after work and staying untill i work tom. what should i take other then work clothes? should i expect to take a shower there or not untill i get home after work? what about pjs? something comfy or y? the first time i slept over i wore my black pj pants and a tank. im 23 hes 31

What makes you like a fighter?

Fighters who always try their best and give me my money's worth when they climb in the ring. Once in the ring, I expect them to be clean and not use tactics like head ing, elbowing, low blows, and other cheater's tactics that they learn from their trainers or other fighters. It doesn't matter whether they are from other countries. It's their skill that matters most. Braggarts are ok if they can back up what they claim like Ali when he used to state the round he will dispose of his opponent. Not always right but it was fun to hear. Brawlers are more exciting to watch, and I prefer them over purely defensive runners who have no punching power and bores you to death.On my list of exciting fighters are Rocky Marciano, Sugar Ray Robinson, Sugar Ray Leonard, Muhammad Ali, Roberto Duran, Prince Hamed, Flash Elorde, Manny Pacquiao, Sergio Martinez, Nonito Donaire, Julio Cesar Chavez,Sr., Oscar Dela Hoya, Amir Khan, and orkis Gamboa.

Eating 8-12 servings of veggies and fruit, why does that cause constipation?

Are you drinking A LOT of water? If not that maybe the reason. And if you are eating to much fiber that can have the opposite affect of what it should be doing. It happens to me all the time and I was wondering the same thing until I did some research. Make sure you drink 4-6 nice big gles of water a day and if you are eating over the amount of fiber you should have in one day you may wanna cutt back just a little. Or try switching up your fruits and veggies and try other stuff or get some fiber cereal and some whole wheat bread if you dont already have that stuff lol. Best of luck

Are Humane Society shelters?

I have no idea, but I will also send an email when I am home from work today. Would be nice to find out tho.

Specifically for atheists???????????????

What do you get out of it to tell people there is no God? People seldom do something for no I am curious.

Is there a good dietary supplement or vitamin?

I am 28 and have been eating better and exercising a lot. I have lost about 8 pounds in 4 weeks. Is there anythng I can do or take to boost my weight loss?I would definitely prefer something natural.Thanks!

Why aren't there more Satanist questions?

Like which demons do you think are the cutest, or do you think Satan uses a loufah or a sponge? Is it because Satanists can't agree on things because they have no interest or need to organize? Is it because the term "Satanist" is thrown around to mean anything from some goofy biker dudes listening to 70s rock to obnoxious 80s-90s TV villains who abuse animals and suffer from chemical addiction? Or is it just because Satanists have better things to do than waste time on this ridiculous website?

A Harry Potter question...? please answer quick!!! need an answer! thank you!?

I am a big time fan and I honestly don't remember Luna saying that. However that's been my feeling from the time it happened - that Harry will find a way to rescue Sirius from wherever he ended up, and he isn't actually dead but trapped somewhere dangerous. The Order members either don't know this or just didn't tell him for fear he'll risk his life for his godfathers.

History questions, about LBJ and vietnam?

i answered your questions but not in order. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a The Vietnam War first began in 1959, five years after the division of the country by the Geneva Accords. Vietnam had been split into two, with a communist government in the north under Ho Chi Minh and a democratic government in the south under Ngo Dinh Diem. Ho launched a guerilla campaign in South Vietnam, led by Viet Cong units, with the goal of uniting the country under communist rule. The United States, seeking to stop the spread of communism, trained the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) and provided military advisors to help combat the guerillas. Causes of the Vietnam War a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a In the early hours of 31st January 1968, 70,000 North Vietnamese soldiers, together with guerrilla fighters of the NLF, launched one of the most daring military campaigns in history. The Tet Offensive was the real turning point in the Vietnam War. On its 40th anniversary( you can read all the details) a href="" rel="nofollow" involvement in Vietnam did not begin in the 1960's or even the 1940's, but in 1845. That's right -- 1845. In that year the people of Da Nang arrested a French missionary bishop for breaking local laws. The U.S. commander of "Old Ironsides" (the U.S.S. Constitution) landed U.S. Navy and Marines in support of French efforts to reclaim their missionary. Mad Jack Percival, the ship's captain, fired into the city of Da Nang, killing 3 dozen Vietnamese, wounding more, and taking the local mandarins hostage. He then demanded that the Catholic Bishop be freed in exchange for his hostages. The Vietnamese were unimpressed. They refused his demand and waited. "Mad Jack" got tired of waiting, released his hostages, and sailed away leaving the Bishop behind. One hundred and thirty years later, Americans would again become tired of their involvement and leave Vietnam. Unfortunately we would leave behind far more than 3 dozen a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a On July 8 and July 9, the President received strong support for his impending decision for escalation in Vietnam from the so-called "Wise Men," distinguished informal Presidential advisers. The Wise Men met and concluded that Vietnam was a crucial test of the American ability to counter Communism. They suggested the stakes were important enough for the President to authorize whatever combat forces were necessary to prevent defeat. At the same time, the JCS reported that the air strikes were having a minimal impact upon the enemy's ability to wage war. Because of its disappointing results, the air campaign was becoming secondary to the war on the ground. Therefore, the President should proceed with the 34 U.S. battalion (and 10 allied battalion) plan soon, dispatching the troops gradually so as to minimize the impact of the decision. He could even mobilize the reserves, since a joint resolution in Congress could be attached to pending domestic legislation.

Romo and Galloway for Fitzgerald and Marshall?

It's not fair because Galloway has a potentially serious ankle injury. He won't play this week, and could be out significantly longer. You'll lose a lot of respect in your league and find it difficult to trade in the future if you try to pawn off damaged goods.

Do these computer protection programs work with each other?

thats what i use no problems i also use avast home edtition hope u keep them i did not see avira its good to. use one antivirus i thought u said u had advance system care to

Question about child services and covenant house?

Please if anybody can help I will appreciate it.. My 16yr old nephew ran away from home he was reported missing 3 weeks ago. He recently contacted me to let me know he is okay. I dont know where he is staying but he told me he wanted to come live with me. He contacted child services himself prior to calling me and now has an open case. So basically my question is what are the procedures I can take. I dont want to trick him into going to the police because they will just send him back home and runaway again. So please what can I do? Fight for custody? Please give me an idea im clueless and just want him to be safe. thanks

Can I use a new 2011-issued EIN for 2010 taxes?

I started a new side business in early 2010 I had a couple small clients (that were also friends) that paid over $600 and gave them my SSN when I filled out my W-9s. That was ok because I knew and trusted them. I started doing work for a larger client last summer who just sent me a W-9 in early January to complete. In anticipation of this, I obtain an EIN (also early in January 2011) and want to provide this company with my new EIN instead of my SSN. Is it a problem to use my new 2011-issued EIN for income that I earned in 2010?

Editing my answers - why won't it work?

Are you sure its not actually working? I get the same things now and then, but after it happens I go back and look and the answer has been updated.

What is so good about Hanley Ramirez?

Ok, someone please tell me why Hanley Ramirez is like chosen as the number 1 draft pick and all that? I know he is a great player, but what is so good about him!? His stats are lower does of Pujols and A-Rods(when he didn't take steroids). So someone please tell me. The one who makes the most sense will get 10 points

I've got to get front row tickets to see michael jackson in july, how and where can i get them?

price is not an issue, many thanks if you can help. i know capitol fm has a competition but its unlikely i will get through to win, so any ideas welcome :)

I have a frog in my backyard. how do i catch him?

I live in Perth Western Australia. there is a frog in my backyard and he wont shut up. he crocks all night. because it is winter in Australia and it rained recently he has come out of the ground. he hides in a lavender bush and i cant get him. i not aloud to rip the bush out.... :(

What would you do if your boyfriend has a baby and still "talks" to his mom ?

This is kinda confusing so i will try to keep it simple. Im 17 years old and in 12th grade and i just started dating this guy i like him a lot and he tells me how much he likes me all the time. He has a child. I understand that he has to talk to the mom a little but they text each other all of the time. He wants to see the child but she wont let him, but at the same time she comes up to me yelling at me like it is my fault that he does not see the baby. She is a two sided person. She also watches our every move and has people watching what we do. One day and im being 100% honest here he tapped me on the sholder and said hi (this was in the hallway) and we started talking while i was getting my books out of my locker within 5 mins she texed him and was like dont i matter anymore you dont say hi to me (he did not see her ) and u almost huged her . He did not, but even if he did we r going out what does it matter. She has a boyfriend too, she does not think we know though. She tell everybody things aout me some r not even true. I dont like to cause fights so i have been keeping my mouth shut ! What should i do i need advise!!!!!

Would this be a good trade for me?

I don't think you should do the trade, you all ready have Jason Bartlett and Rafeal Furcal at SS and a good 2B in Brain Roberts.

How should I react to this note from my childs teacher?

I would say my son was nervous, and said i misplaced it, because he didnt want you to get mad at him, he accidently misplaced it, and we will find it as soon as possible, thats what i would say, but i would continue and say that ive been very stressed out lately because of the custody battle, and it would very helpful if you could take it easier on me and my son

What would NASA do about this situation?

Right before launch the countdown is starting. An astronaut who is so nervous has repeatedly farted into his space suit and finally vomits into his suit with 5 seconds left. What would NASA do?

Is it okay for me to take the "reject" kids on my own end of school trip?

I think it is a nice gesture. I think you should have other chaperones though, because 14 year olds predisposed to getting in trouble may be a lot for a very young mom to handle, and they are all your responsibility. That said, have fun!!!

Is this fatigue only or heat problem?

It sounds like you just had a bit of heat stroke. If you still feel this way after not being in the sun i would ask your doctor. Make sure you stay hydrated and try wearing a hat from now on.

Trade: M. Sanchez (QB) and F. Jackson (RB) for Beanie Wells (RB)?

I would do either that the guy decides to accept. Beanie Wells will be back in the line-up this week and considering Tim Hightower fumbled twice, he is in the doghouse and Wells has no chance of losing that starting job. Mark Sanchize is very overrated in my opinion and you have Carson Palmer to cover that position anyway, as do you Gonzalez for Cooley. I think the rookies will be just fine this season, so getting rid of Fred Jackson wouldn't be the worst option either. First though I would attempt the Sanchez Jackson option, as I think Cooley will be even more lethal this year with Mcnabb at the helm.

Does legal marijuana herbs get you high...?

..... i was wanting to buy like 37 0r 40 pounds... just 4 sell..... see i grow nuggets and medical purple haze(lol aka G13 Haze)..... and

Where can I find a Leather Jacket with like Cheetah Print of on inside?

SO where can i find a leather jacket with cheetah print on the inside??? perferably black jacket then with the cheetah print inside?? ahah:) thanks!!! Oh and i mean where can i buy it online:)

Guy sports fans help with valentine's gift idea...?

Thats a good idea, its cute since you would be able to play together. If not that get him an autograph of one of the players from like ebay or something.

How can I make a complaint about Jamie Foxx? 10 points.?

I was wondering if anyone could give me the e-mail address for Sirius radio station? I think the things Jamie Foxx said about Miley were disgusting and the woman on the show calling her 'little white *****' was completely racist, therefor I want to complain. Thanks

Does Biker boots, leather jacket and short shorts look bad?

If you think you can pull it off i dont see why not. It will somewhat edgy but just add some accessories and a bit of colour to it. Its fashion and everyone has their own sense of style so don't let other people put you down about what you want to wear :)

How about in nfc title game: falcons vs eagles and afc? ravens vs jets?

I can't see the Eagles making it that far, but the Falcons yes. They kinda just quietly snuck up to 7-2 without much fanfare or attention. I like them to win the NFC. As for the matchup, I'd like to see Falcons and Packers. I like your AFC matchup though. Very likely, although I'd like to see a Colts vs Patriots matchup for the NFC.

Symbolic Dreams; what does it mean if you get kissed in a dream?

Now, this is a very VERY broad answer haha. I have to reure you, that dreams are so vast, that noone has actually cracked the true meaning of them. But, if i would take a crack at it, your sub-concious is telling you, you have some sort of feelings for this boy, or you are feeling something towards his friend, and your sub-concious just replaced his friend, with him, to show you what you really need to do. If I would be honest, you really have a hidden likeness for this person, one that can only be shown, and your sub-concious had to reveal your true emotions, only through sleep. Like i said, this dream can mean A LOT of different concepts, but i just lowered it down to this one.

Monday, August 8, 2011

PLEASE can someone give me feedback on my poem??? thanks(1)?

I think it's really good but you have to many words of life ' but the subject is great. 7/10 is a good rating

My daughter keeps getting sores in her scalp that are open, then scab over, then flake off of her scalp.?

First it was right in her crown and I brushed it off as she has a dry scalp and she likely scratched her head too much. Tonight I found two more areas in her scalp that are scabbing over and have a couple of open sores. (not big, but open none-the-less) The area that healed was almost peeling off as a sunburn would. We had battled lice for a couple of months because someone at her school had it and wasn't getting treated and she kept getting it. (I would catch it really quickly because after the first time I started checking her regularly so most times there'd just be one or a few in her hair) I started using olive & tea tree oil in her hair to deter lice from wanting to get in her hair. Which has helped, but now we're battling scabs and large flakes. Could there be a connection to the lice she was getting and these scabbed areas? (after the second round of lice I stopped using the pesticide b/c she's so young, I was using natural methods to rid her of the nits) I also have trouble getting her to eat enough food. She'll eat very little then say she's full so could it possibly be that she isn't getting enough vitamins?

Do non synthesized vitamins and nutrients in water appear in the flowerings of plants?

If you are growing these plants in a common growing medium (potting soil), the water will make little difference. If this is hydroponics, then you will see differences.

Any physics gurus out there?

Seth Wescott completes a 1 mile snowboard cross course in 2 minutes 45 seconds. Distance from start to finish is .7 miles. What is his average speed?

Can i run l4d with ATI 4650HD AGP on 350w?

The card calls for 400 watt PSU. It should be plenty fast enough for L4D provided the rest of your computer is up to snuff. PSU requirements aren't an exact science and there's often some wiggle room. If your computer doesn't have multiply hard drives, or multiple optical drives, you should be okay, but if the computer just resets itself after when you try to play a 3D accelerated game, then you'll need a more powerful PSU.

Is this a bad idea? (Performing the "Spoken Word")?

I'm doing a project on setting up a club where, once a week, people can go up on stage and express their feelings and issues (about society mainly), which would reach out to youth and ultimately hope to reduce crime rates (in Oakland, California). This would be done through Spoken Word, which is like a monologue (or even can be done with others) in a rhythmic fashion, with a sort of beat to it. They talk about social issues. Is letting the youth go up to say whatever they want a bad idea?

This just might seem like a silly question, but does anyone know if chocolate contains any dietary fiber?

I just checked the wrapper of my Hershey bar. A regular-sized Hershey bar contains 1 gram of dietary fiber. Prunes work better, lol.

I have alot of different symptoms?

About 2 years ago around swine flu era I had a fever and watery diarrhea that wouldn't stop next thing you know a week later my stools have mucous and blood I'm having difficulty breathing and swallowing then to top it off my tongue gets this metallic taste those symptoms haven't gone away 2 years later and I'm loosing taste my forehead feels numb and I'm loosing heat feeling what could this be I just want my life back

Would adding more RAM speed up my system?

Go to and use their free online scanner. It will determine how much performance gain you will get by adding more RAM.

Please help!! If a cute guy asks you..? (cont)?

uming you haven't totally weirded him out, and you actually get to see him again, I recommend you drop the shoe thing. Entirely.

Pick the winners of these 9 wwe matches?

1. finley 2. morrrison 3. london 4. benjamin 5. kennedy 6. holly 7. burke 8. hart 9. stone cold NOW CAN I GET 10 POINTS?

Can't agree on names, what do you think?

Love Nathaniel Haywood.. haywood is a very strong name so i really think it needs a strong traditional name to go with it. Nathaniel is perfect and its great that it can also be shorted to Nathan, Nath or Nate. names like Kai and Blaze just dont fit at all with Haywood. definately go with Nathaniel, Oliver (ollie should only be a nn), Zarchary or Jeremy.

What would be the best decision?

The answer is simple, talk to your mother and make sure she will put as much work into as you will. When in a business you shouldn't say "well I'll do my share, but only if so&so does too!" You will never get any work done. Hope this helps! (:

How do you cook ernut?

I cut off the ends and then make 1 inch slices. Cook in a pan w/ some er til each side starts to brown. Sprinkle w/ garlic salt

Does anyone remember in the 1980's some kids would have a yellow electronic bike horn?

They made sounds by moving a switch on the back of it. Sound Blaster sounds correct but Im not sure. Anyone remember?

Creationists... why would scientists come up with the specific explanations they have to replace Creationism?

Good point, but don't expect creationists to understand. They will dismiss the sense of it being correct as satan conning them.

Capitol punishment.....How can anyone PROVE it is not gods PLAN for the said criminall.?

If all things are part of his so called great design and plan then maybe he chose this for this person.And if he is a loving kind god then why burn the minivan full of innocent kids on the highway?????Me thinks god is a fairytale for adults.

Is it an air sign trait to be known as promiscuous?

Out of all the air signs, Aquarius is the only air sign to keep their legs or mouths closed. Not counting the men though. I don't expect many air signs to answer honestly cause so many of them are so non chalant or oblivious to being promiscuous or what promiscuity is that they don't see anything wrong with what they're doing.

Is it low cl for a girl to proposition a guy for...?

There's this guy I like. We're friends and he's coming over this weekend. I know if I offer him it won't make him my boyfreind. I've never had this experience, and I would like to have it with him. He is a virgin as am I and we are in our late teens. I've wanted this for quite some time but I'm afraid I'll scare him away. How would I go about asking him any way?

Illegals claim they are doing jobs americans won't do,but aren't americans paying for taxes illegals won't pay

Every illegal is now claiming they only do jobs americans won't do,which is a crock of manure,with stolen social security numbers they can get any job anywhere anytime,what they leave out is that they are using social services that some US citizens can't get,they are also rewarded with having their own bilingual teachers for their children,something no other ethnic group even dreamed of,our government is still fighting for health care for every US citizen,yet illegals can go to any hospital,get treated,and don't have to pay one cent,since there is no history on that person,how can you charge them,a US citizen will get his pay garnished if he refuses to pay his bills.Why is this government turned against it's own people

What are my chances my period is just late?

We have been ttc with no luck. I am two weeks late for my period and will probably buy a test tonight. The thing is I don't feel pregnant at all and have had no symptoms. I'm not sure if I should test now (I have been a bit of a serial tester in the past) or leave it a few more days?

John 1:43-51: 1) Where, per Philip, did Moses in the Law and the prophets in their writings speak of Jesus?

These are knock-out questions!! How about listing them as separate questions and letting us have a try at answering them?

"Of Plymouth Plantation", by: William Bradford?

What the heck was this short story about? I could not understand a word of it! Can somebody please explain it for me? I will be eternally grateful.

How much should I charge for designing flyers and brochures for real estate agents?

I use to design flyers, brochures, etc. for real estate agents but then got laidoff from the company. Many of them are asking me how much would I charge to design things for them. I wouldn't have to print them, just design them. I don't have any experience in this at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


ok this is really gross but, idw to ask my mom....ok when i am doin flips on the tramp. I like have alot of that white stuff i no i no it gross..but i was woundering if u knew wat to do. Is it because i skiped my peroid this month..????/ thx DOENT RIGHT SOMETHING DUM!!!!!!!!!

Verizon Nationwide Messaging Plan Confusion?

You do not have ANY minutes with that plan- no Verizon minutes, no night minutes, no weekend minutes, nothing. So it might not be worth it for you to get that.. You can upgrade your texting package for only $5

Psychology question! PLEASE HELP!!!?

Pat and Maria both get B’s on their midterm exams. Pat feels ecstatic—she feels very proud of herself for doing so well. Maria is angry—she knows she can do better than a B. How can these two students have such different reactions to the same situation? What role do cognitions play here?

Strange Coincidence?

I don't think it's monetary, either. I do believe perhaps it has to do with the fact that there are tons of choices for music these days. Not that Rap and R&B weren't popular in Nirvana's day, but it's waaay more popular now than it once was. Right now, Rock isn't really the huge 'moneymaker' it's always been accustomed to being, so maybe it's not necessarily that there aren't great bands playing out there, it's just there's alot more music competing for fans. 5 or 10 years from now, this will probably change yet again, as music always tends to do.

Do you know if these uggs are real?

Is there a way to make popping your cherry less painfull?

my boyfriend and i are probably going to have soon and im worried about the pain and the bleeding. we are both virgins but he fingers me alot. does that help with the pain?

Who should I keep for my Fantasy Baseball Keeper League?

SS and 2B are the two shallowest positions besides catchers of course and since u have the best SS and the best 2B who are both ranked in the TOP 4 on yahoo I would definitely keep them and obviously lince over felix

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Should directors-creators plan a trilogy before the first one comes out?

Back to the Future 2 & 3 (as well as Lord of the Rings 2 & 3) were actually shot at the same time for various reasons. The movies you mentioned are almost industries with a built-in audience. A producer with money would be willing to invest in them because of this. Does it work? Sometimes, and sometimes not.

Whatat is the difference between tap water and deionized water as far as pH go?

I understand that tap will be a better conductor because it has tons of ions in it, but when we tested the pH in our lab, tap got 6.66 and DI got 7.81. What is the reasoning behind the pH differences?

Why is the play macbeth such a valued and worthwhile text???????????

i was just wondering why Macbeth is still such a valued and worthwhile text still even till today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… is the play macbeth such a valued and worthwhile text??

Isn't it pathetic the way the Americans are trying to push all the blame for the chaos in Iraq onto the Iraqis?

Get out of town. Who'se country is it anyway? We beat Saddam. We took over his country. We are controlling his government. It is up to the Iraqis people to resume our will over their country. Remember Japan? Remember Germany? They are alive and thriving now because of the USA. Count your blessings.

How to win a nuclear war against the US --- published by Asia Times and credited to N Korea. Would it work?

It is a good thing Obama did away with our technology which allowed us to target and destroy a satellite.

Stuck on Lego batman psp... again!?

Have you looked at to see if they have a walkthrough? It's normally the place I look first.

How do i call london from bangkok?

I suspect you intentionally left out one digit - all phone numbers in the UK are 10 digit). So, if the number starts with 7 and has 10 digits you would dial 001 + 44 + 7..... because it is a cell phone therefore you do not need to add London's area code (20).

What do you do in a sorority?

so i am 13 but im thinkin about joinin a sorority in the near future and i just wanna know wat do you do in a sorority? and are there any schools who dont haze? oh and after ghazing, are they like your bffs or something? idk its just from movies and online im worrried about hazing. and i still have no clue what happens in a sorority after you pledge. you move into the sorority house right...and stuff....well just explain plz.

A catalysts effect on Kc value.?

State the effect, if any, of a catalyst on the value of Kc for a reaction at a given temperature; in other words, explain what effect the catalyst has regarding equilibrium, briefly.

Well this card work with this spec?

Your OS unless stated otherwise is 32bit. On xp if you are using the 64bit version it tells you when you boot the machine up.

What are common high school plays?

Wizard of Oz; Footloose; Bye Bye Birdie; Grease; Annie; High School Musical; Guys and Dolls; Sound of Music. Fiddler on the Roof; Cats.

Is low ejection fraction hereditary?

My dad's doctor said that his EF was only 11%, and I think that my grandpa also had a low EF. So, I was just wondering if it's hereditary, and if it's likely that i will also have it.

Benefit rebel tinted moisturizer?

I think it's great. I've worn it on my skin without a moisturizer underneath and I didn't have any problems with it. It's not bad to be addicted to it because it's a moisturizer and it has spf. I think of it as makeup because it is a part of my makeup routine, but its not "technically" makeup.

How Can I Meet/Get A Hold Of Leonardo DiCaprio?

I Love Leo DiCaprio !! Anyone Know How You Can Get A Hold Of Him To Like Get An Autograph Or Something? Ive Been On His Official Website But It Is Not Very Helpful :( Please Let Me Know ?

Can the MK1 or MK2 gas bb gun sniper rifle use propane?

Because they sell propane adapters for gas guns overall.....need help also can a A&K fragmentation grenade use propane instead of Green Gas....need help

I need to know how far.. please help!?

I live in swindon and my friend has moved to Pontefract in leeds, does anyone know how long it takes to drive there?

Ttc with metformin only?

hey there i am also trying the metformin alone thing. i did clomid for 6 months to the max dose and nothing. i am on 500 mg, nothing yet but i have heard some good stories about it. good luck and baby dust to us!

For the non-smokers, have you ever dated a smoker?

If so did it interfere any in the relationship? And if so how long did it take before the habit annoyed the crap out of you? Girl I'm currently interested in smokes (I don't) and up until recently it didn't bother me. Probably because she wasn't as comfortable with me, kinda like me not farting around her I guess lol. But anyway, its starting to bug me and she starts to smell like smoke all the time, which wasn't the case before. Just want people's experiences not breaking up or anything she's still too cool <3.

How many naked cheerleaders does it take to change a light bulb ..?

.... Seriously ... it needs changing ..... Trip can't see a thing, and these tarts are complaining its not in their job description?!?!?

Is it rude that my grandma sent me a present she rewrapped from Christmas?

I agree. It WAS an innocent act on her part. Since you're her grandchild, she probably thought that you would be more open-minded about it (she definitely wouldn't act like you didn't know that it was given to her). Christmas tree ornaments given by family is more important than you might think... she's your grandmother! Family is family. Don't take these things personally.

The French underground in relation to the Iraqi insurgents --- Is it fair to say their goals are the same?

So what is your argument? That American soldiers are Nazis and fanatic Iraqi militants that macre far more Iraqis than Americans are fighting for Freedom, Liberty, and Equality? Perhaps you should study up on these events in history and you'll realize that making standard leftist comments only prove a certain susceptibility to the venom of an internal enemy that seeks only to deceive and conspire.

I'm turning down "flirts" left and right. Is it me, or them? (details below)?

I think its you, are the females pretty or fcukable? if so, its you. They all seem to have some degree of confidences so i doubt their ugly. Are you comfortable with your uality? And what was the relevance of mentioning girl 1's colour?

Why does my cat paddy-paw? easy ten points?

I call it "squidging". It's commonly thought to be a relic from their time as kittens - kittens do this around their mother's teats to stimulate milk flow when they are drinking - this is also why they often salivate whilst doing it. Some people say they only do it if they were taken from their mother at too young an age, but I haven't met a single cat yet who doesn't do it, so I don't know how true that is.

When Young Earth Creationists use their "Comets disintegrate too quickly for an old universe", do they deny...?

Given that Micky GG is the one who continually spams that egregious C. S. Lewis "Liar, Lunatic, or Lord" twaddle I would not expect anything other than specious creationism.

Is this considered me working?

You have a very important job in that household. If I'm guessing correctly you handle the kids, most if not all of their activities, clean the house, cook the meals, and do the laundry. Next time they say you are not contributing teach them a lesson. Quit doing stuff for them and when they complain state you will no longer be doing those chores unless they pay you so that you can contribute monetarily to the household. My guess is that they will learn to appreciate and respect you in a very short amount of time.

Indians, is "sir lanka" part of india or no?

Sri Lanka is not a part of India. India is located in southern Asia, but Sri Lanka is actually a small island even lower than that. If you want proof, just look in an atlas, or go on google maps

Whats wrong with the mets?

Im no mets fan but they are choking like last year down the stretch. I bet former mets manager willie randolph is laughing right know at jerry manuel who took his job.