Friday, August 12, 2011

Is it bad being too close with your family member?

I've noticed that I have grown more attached to my parents. I even sometimes call them "mommy" and "daddy" as if I'm a little girl when I'm really sixteen. I often hug them and like to snuggle with them when they're sitting on the couch. I'm very dependent on my mother and sometimes it could be a bad thing. But people have noticed that I'm very close with my grandfather who has Alzheimer's disease. It's been that way since I was a baby. He used to sing me a lullaby as he rocked me in his rocking chair, he used to buy me candy bars from the local store, and I used to ask him to draw me pictures. Sometimes I worry if he's going to die because he's 91 years old. I love him very much and he's almost like my best friend. I was touched when he remember who I was because I showed him my school yearbook and he managed to point out who I was. He even commented on how much I've grown. He doesn't even remember he's married to my grandmother or that my mother and her siblings are his children. But his face always lights up when he sees me and he lets me kiss him before I leave the nursing home. He even kisses me back. Now that he has a great-granddaughter, he talks about her more and I'm a little jealous because I used to be his "little baby". That was my nickname. I'm sometimes kind of y over the fact that I'm his favorite grandchild and that he remembers me. Is that a little bit too close?

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