Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why do people love foo fighters?

First what a horrible name they might as well have called their band "pink panty wearing b****s.Second they write the most retarded lyrics ever"one do i say is not like the other"And on top on that they repaet that pathetic lyric over and over again in there big hit song.Third the only reason you like them is because kurt cobain died.But let me tell all you foo f***ot and nirvana fans something:do you really believe kurt cobain and dave grohl are not child molesters?They put a naked baby face down in a swinning pool and took a picture of its privates and put it on an album cover i mean if you are that gullible you probaly believe what kinsey did was "research".Why dont you people stop overating these 2 horrible grunge bands they are not even as good as pearl crap and nickelback!Why do you love them?

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